Mandelbulber for Windows is available as a 32-bit and as a 64-bit version. Mandelbulber is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The main problem with porting app to other os using the wine method is the clipboard, it works kinda "strangely" : I can easily copy/paste anything between native osx apps and wine apps, but sometime it just doesn't work, like in gimp or for instance mandelbulb 3D, the way you access the clipboard ain't recognized, BUT when I take some parameters on the web using safari, I can paste them in any textbox present in mandelbulb 3D, that way, if you could simply put a new window when the import parameters button is pressed, and in this window put a textbox and a button that read the data from the textbox, or as you said, being able to import parameters from a txt would also be fineītw, I haven't modified you're app in any way, I just built a wrapper around it so mac osx can run it as he would do for any other app, meaning that the exe file and all its library remain untouched, that way I can update the wrapper using any future (or previous) version of mandelbulb 3D in a matter of seconds, so 1.7.3.Mandelbulber’s main purpose is to render 3D Mandelbrot fractals called Mandelbulb, but it can also handle some other types of 3D fractals: Mandelbox, BulbBox, JuliaBulb, Menger Sponge, Quaternion, Trigonometric, Hypercomplex, and Iterated Function Systems (IFS).

(If this is what you are requesting)Īnd the version is still in the download section available, have you changed something that makes it work better on a Mac? I am not sure if i understood correctly, i can make the text parameters readable as a kind of textfile instead the clipboard, did not thought tof that this function does not work on other operating systems. Ps : if jesse come, I can post all your release of mandelbulb for mac if you want, but I'll just ask you to add a little textbox to paste the parameters found on the internet, as the clipboard is not recognized by your app's import system, but very well by any textbox (including the one already here in your program, such as the rotation or position of the camera I actually got Mandelbulb 3d to work on osx 10.6 and 10.7 (lion), as a native app and I already rendered a lot of formulas, with absolutly no performance or graphic issue, I'll send it when I'll be back home (quite soon)Īlso, I dit not have any issue with lion, all my apps works fine just as they did on SL